2023 Kootenay Cup logo

2023 Kootenay Cup

Event Details

Name: 2023 Kootenay Cup

Date: February 10-12, 2023

Host Name: Selkirk Challengers Gym Club

Host Website: http://selkirkchallengers.uplifterinc.com

Join us in Castlegar BC for our annual Kootenay Cup. This year we will celebrate our gymnasts with a starry sky theme!

Registration available from 2022-11-25 to 2023-01-13.

The registration fee increases on 2023-01-01 and again on .

Clubs can scratch athletes with no penalty until .

Athlete Categories Offered

Name Type Discipline Cost on 2022-11-25 Cost on 2023-01-01 Cost on
CCP 1 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 2 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 3 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 4 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 5 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 6 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 7 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
CCP 8 CCP WAG 120.00 140.00
Performance Interclub WAG 100.00 120.00
Xcel Bronze Xcel WAG 120.00 140.00
Xcel Silver Xcel WAG 120.00 140.00
Xcel Gold Xcel WAG 120.00 140.00
Xcel Platinum Xcel WAG 120.00 140.00
Xcel Diamond Xcel WAG 120.00 140.00

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