2021 Kootenay Zone Championships logo

2021 Kootenay Zone Championships

Event Details

Name: 2021 Kootenay Zone Championships

Date: April 15-27, 2021

Host Name: Glacier Gymnastics

Host Website: https://glaciergymnastics.com/

The 2021 Kootenay Zone Championship brings together gymnasts from across the Kootenay Region to vie for the title of Zone Champion. Video submissions will be open from Apr 15-21. Judging will be from Apr 22-27.

Registration available from 2021-03-01 to 2021-04-12.

The registration fee increases on 2021-04-01 and again on .

Clubs can scratch athletes with no penalty until .

Athlete Categories Offered

Name Type Discipline Cost on 2021-03-01 Cost on 2021-04-01 Cost on
JO 1 under 7 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 1 7 plus JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 2 under 7 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 2 7 plus JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 3 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 4 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 5 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 6 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 7 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 8 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 9 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
JO 10 JO WAG 70.00 80.00
HS 1 High School WAG 70.00 80.00
HS 2 High School WAG 70.00 80.00
HS 3 High School WAG 70.00 80.00
HS 4 High School WAG 70.00 80.00
HS 5 High School WAG 70.00 80.00
Xcel Bronze G/S/B Xcel WAG 70.00 80.00
Xcel Bronze Ranked Xcel WAG 70.00 80.00
Xcel Gold Xcel WAG 70.00 80.00
Xcel Silver Xcel WAG 70.00 80.00

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