Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational 2021 Virtual Event logo

Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational 2021 Virtual Event

Event Details

Name: Christy Fraser Memorial Invitational 2021 Virtual Event

Date: February 19-28, 2021

Host Name: Langley Gymnastics

Host Website:

LGF is proud to present the CFMI 2021 as a virtual competition, you will be able to train, compete, and submit your videos right from your own gym! One day prior to the video submission open date, an email will be circulated to participating clubs/ coaches with a symbol and/or word that must be included in the video recording. Filming will take place over a week’s time, and we will send your club all your athletes’ awards and certificates, after results have been posted.

Registration available from 2021-01-22 to 2021-02-12.

The registration fee increases on and again on .

Clubs can scratch athletes with no penalty until .

Athlete Categories Offered

Name Type Discipline Cost on 2021-01-22 Cost on Cost on
JO 1 JO WAG 70.00
JO 2 JO WAG 70.00
JO 3 JO WAG 70.00
JO 4 JO WAG 70.00
JO 5 JO WAG 70.00
JO 6 JO WAG 70.00
JO 7 JO WAG 70.00
JO 8 JO WAG 70.00
JO 9 JO WAG 70.00
JO 10 JO WAG 70.00
Aspire 1 Aspire WAG 70.00
Aspire 2 Aspire WAG 70.00
Novice HP WAG 70.00
Performance Interclub WAG 50.00
Xcel Bronze Interclub WAG 70.00
Xcel Gold Interclub WAG 70.00
Xcel Silver Interclub WAG 70.00
Level 1 MAG MAG 70.00
Level 2 MAG MAG 70.00
Provincial 3 MAG MAG 70.00
Provincial 4 MAG MAG 70.00
Provincial 5 MAG MAG 70.00
Elite 3 Elite MAG 70.00
Elite 4 Elite MAG 70.00
MAG Junior MAG MAG 70.00
MAG Senior MAG MAG 70.00
National Open MAG MAG 70.00
MAG Performance Interclub MAG 50.00
MAG Performance Plus Interclub MAG 50.00

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Parents: Do not create an account unless you are a club administrator acting on behalf of an organization. All registratons must be made by clubs, parent accounts will be deleted without warning.

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